Tag Archives: Raven

The Raven – July 2023

Trip Report: Deeks Lake

Seven hikers assembled at the Porteau Rd parking lot and walked about 100m south to the trail entrance. We proceeded up the logging road after a while, taking a left turn to arrive at the Howe Sound viewpoint eventually. We saw a commemoration plaque for  Mary Tainish and spent a little while remembering her.  We then proceeded upwards to the lake past the magnificent waterfalls. It is fair to say many of us were happy to be done with the gruelling last few hundred meters to arrive at the beautiful snow-surrounded lake. We found a lovely lakefront spot to have lunch and soak up the rays. We were back at the cars after taking some pics for a total time of just under seven hours.

Thanks to all for a great day, Maurice.

Wilderness First Aid Course 50/50

The club is offering to subsidize the 2-day ‘Intro to Wilderness First Aid’ course from Canada West Mountain School (https://themountainschool.com/program/intro-wilderness-first-aid-2021/) for trip leaders. To qualify, one must lead two (2) club trips, of any type or level, between July 1-December 30, 2023. You must pay for the course yourself ($295+tax), and after you have led two trips, the club will reimburse you 50% of the total cost of the course. For more information, contact Ramona at ramona_muljar@hotmail.com

July Trips

Tue 4 Jul, 2023 - Wed 5 Jul, 2023 B2b - Relaxed Poland Lake - Manning Camping
Sat 8 Jul, 2023

8:30 am

A/B3a - Relaxed A/B3a Kennedy Falls
Sun 9 Jul, 2023

7:45 am - 4:15 pm

C Hike

C - Relaxed

South Mount Nutt via East Canyon Trail
Sun 9 Jul, 2023

9:00 am

12-14 Km/ h Avg - Relaxed Iona-Terra Nova- Gary Point.
Sat 15 Jul, 2023 C Hike

C3c - Moderate

Mt Frosty Manning Park
Sun 16 Jul, 2023 A1a - Relaxed Fort Langley to Golden Ears Loop
Mon 17 Jul, 2023

9:30 am


- Relaxed

Spanish Banks - Low tide - bike/walk/swim
Sun 23 Jul, 2023

10:00 am - 4:00 pm


- Relaxed

BIke to UBC from Richmond

Patagonia is Calling

January 16- 21, 2024 --Torres Del Paine - W Trek 6 days $2500. includes food and tenting accommodation with guide. We are looking for a few others to join us. We are Susan A, Dana D, Lori W

In 2020, North Shore Hikers were going to Patagonia on a club-organized trip. And then the pandemic cancelled international travel, affecting both Patagonia and the North Cascades summer camp.  As you already know, Diane Whiteley has revived the North Cascades summer camp. Susan Allen is reviving the Patagonia trip. Contact her for more details susan.allen881@gmail.com.

Have a  Hikes Bucket List?

Maybe we can help. Let us know which hikes you would like to join in on.
Here's a list that might spark your imagination:

B trips (5-7 hours at a moderate pace)
  • Runner Pk (behind Mt Seymour)
  • Forks Pk (behind Goat Mtn – N Shore)
  • Mt Liddell - Gambier Island
  • Tricouni Pk (past Squamish)
  • Garibaldi Lake (Garibaldi Park)
  • Lookout Ridge, Elk/Thurston/Mercer crossover (south of Chilliwack)
  • The Needle (Coquihalla)
  • Yak Pk (Coquihalla)
  • Llama Pk (Coquihalla)
  • Mt Frosty (larches in fall) (Manning Park)
  • Skyline Trail (Manning Park)
  • Mt Baker (Artists Point) (USA)
  • Goat Mtn (USA)
C trips (> 7 hours at a moderate pace)
  • The Needles (North Vancouver)
  • West Lion (Howe Sound)
  • Mt Hanover (Howe Sound)
  • Anvil Island – Leading Pk (Howe Sound)
  • Skypilot (Howe Sound)
  • Tetrahedron (Sechelt)
  • Black Tusk (Garibaldi Park)
  • Panorama Ridge (Garibaldi Park)
  • Mt Price (Garibaldi Park)
  • Mt Marriot (Duffey Lake Road)
  • International Ridge (south of Chilliwack)
  • Illusion Pks, South (Chilliwack River)
  • Williams Pk (Chilliwack River)
  • Goat Pk (Chilliwack Lk)
  • Mt Daly (Chilliwack Lk)
  • Macdonald Pk (Chilliwack Lk)
  • Grant Pk (Silverhope Creek/Skagit Road)
  • Mt Rideout (Silverhope Creek/Skagit Road)
  • Coquihalla Mtn (Coquihalla)
  • Tomyhoi (USA)
D trips
D hikes tend to be more challenging in some way than a straightforward > 7- hour hike. There could be a fair amount of bushwhacking, exposed scrambling or mixed mountaineering.
  • Lake Lovely Water area (Alpha, Niobe, Omega)
  • Little Ring Mtn (upper Squamish River)  loose class 3
  • Abandoned Pk  (Elaho River)
  • Castle Towers (Garibaldi Park) loose class 3
  • Tigger Pk  (Duffey Lk road)
  • Nraiteskel  (Duffey Lk road)
  • Mt Sloan (ne ridge) low class 4
  • Canadian Border Pk  (Chilliwack River)  low class 4
  • American Border Pk  (Chilliwack River)  low class 4
  • Devil’s Tongue  (Ross Lake)  class 3

Lead a C Hike and Get Into Some Free Gear 

The club received a generous donation of used (but good) mountaineering gear that we will give to the first people to lead C hikes that want an item. The main items are:

  • Two ice axes
  • A down sleeping bag good to about -25c
  • A 40L backpack

The main reason to lead a C hike is that it is fun, of course. That said, this is good gear.  Please get in touch with Ramona about any C hike you wish to lead. First come, first served.

Anyone Who Leads Can Win!

Don't forget that anyone who leads a trip gets their name automatically included in a draw for a $50 gift card at the club AGM. Those who lead two or more trips get their names automatically submitted in a second draw.  Five or more trips, a third draw.  Ten or more trips (wow), a fourth draw.

Help Stop Invasives from Spreading:

The  Sea to Sky Invasives Council is advising outdoor users to clean all mud, seeds, and plant fragments from themselves and gear before moving to new areas to prevent the spread of invasive species. This is particularly important for hikers, climbers and trail runners in the Sea to Sky since many of us travel between different trail networks within and beyond the region. Often without realizing it, seeds, burs, and plant parts can get caught in clothing, hiking boots and trail shoes and transported from one trailhead to the next. This ‘hitchhiking’ is a major cause of invasive species spread, causing harm to the biodiversity of the habitat they are introduced to. Find out more at ‘Play, Clean, Go’

Did you know that Bull Thistle is invasive species? Check out this list of more invasives

photo by R. Mueller


The Raven – March 2023

Trip Report: Scutt Peak

by Alistair Ferries

On Jan 28 nine of us attempted Scutt Pk (also known as Scuff Pk), 2238m, immediately north west of D’arcy. The 1600m bushwack was occasionally thrashy, and it took nearly seven hours to reach alpine at 2,000m, where three participants stayed. The somewhat imposing summit was easier than it looked. Except it wasn’t the summit. The true summit was a bit higher and a bit beyond. And the final 5 metres of it took almost 2hrs. As we first tried to find a safe way up powder snow on icy granite slabs; and then once a route was found; took turns going up and back. By the time we all summited, one member was too frozen to be able to remove his crampons. Fortunately, we had extra clothes, and once lower and out of the wind, he warmed up.

False summit - Whaaa?
Summit - Scutt Peak

March Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?

Sat 4 Mar D Hike
Spider Pk
Tue 7 Mar Back-country Ski
Hollyburn Mtn
Sat 11 Mar
6:00 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike Rainbow Lake Trail Snowshoe
Tue 14 Mar Back-country Ski
Sat 18 Mar Back-country Ski
Hollyburn / Strachan / Christmas Gully
Sat 18 Mar Hike
B2b/ B1a
Mt. Galiano/Bluffs
Tue 21 Mar Back-country Ski
Sat 25 Mar D Hike
Niche Pk
Tue 28 Mar Back-country Ski
Mt Seymour

2023 Social Events 

Our Social Convener, Donna Nyberg and friends have devised a preliminary schedule for our club socials for this year. You may already know that we are not using the Sunrise Community hall anymore, as their rental rates have quadrupled over the past two years( $40/night in 2021, $90/night in 2022 and $150/night in 2023).

Our new socials will add a fun/twist. If you have additional ideas, contact Donna. She'll add it to the preliminary schedule. All club socials will be posted on our Schedule as the dates are firmed up. Here's what we have so far:

April  “Goodbye Winter“ SOCIAL - Date TBA

One night in Squamish at Cristina’s place: potluck dinner featuring your favourite power bar! Two days of snowshoeing and cross-country skiing at Callaghan - if snow conditions are not good, there will be two hikes in Squamish.

 May  “ Hello Spring” SOCIAL - Date TBA

Cycling and hiking trip in Victoria
Two nights in Victoria at a resort or hotel/motel of your choice
Galloping Goose cycle
East Sook Regional Park hike
Potluck dinner featuring your favourite drink!

Summer Social Sunday, July 16th

Derby Reach Regional Park -Serene park offers riverfront trails, picnic areas, camping & picturesque mountain & forest views. Folks can walk or cycle into Fort Langley, stopping along the way at the Heritage Museum, enjoying the small village's unique favourite or even kayak from Fort Langley down to Derby Reach.  There is something for everyone to enjoy and if the picnic tables are all taken, we can pull a lawn chair from our car, sit along the Fraser River banks, and enjoy the potluck.

Cycling/hiking trail from Derby Reach Regional Park to Fort Langley

FALL SOCIAL - Harvest Festival - last week of September - exact dates TBA

Cycle San Juan, Lopez and maybe Orcas Island - kayak out of Friday Harbour, day hike Mount Constitution in Moran State Park and enjoy all that the San Juan Island have to offer.  We will drive down to Anacortes and take the ferry to Friday Harbour - a fun boat ride to enjoy even before the fun starts.

North Shore Hikers supports BCMC proposal for  Blackwall backcountry access in Manning Park

January 30, 2023

RE: Blackwall Backcountry Access Corridor Proposal

Dear Paul,

Thank you for circulating your proposal for a new backcountry access to Blackwall Peak
in Manning Park to our club. We are fully supportive of your proposal. The new access trail will serve the backcountry community and will create a new winter snowshoe opportunity in Manning Provincial Park, providing simple-moderate terrain to the alpine. The route will not interfere with the cross-country trails and will not traverse a high-value wilderness area.

We welcome your club’s efforts in expanding the trail system in our Province.

Cristina Jacob,
North Shore Hikers Society President

Thanks for reading and happy trails

A Log Lies On It - Deep cove






Raven – January 2023

Snowflakes glide down, cloaking the fir and mountain hemlocks in a brilliant robe. The forest stills for winter. Bears in their den. Snowshoe hare prints decorate the glades. Raven waits for the sun's return.

Crown Mountain peaks through the trees on the Dam Mt. trail

Incoming President's Message

Dear Members,

Cristina Jacob

As of November 8, 2022, I am your new president. I am eager and excited to work with our core of volunteers and with all of you to plan and enjoy outdoor activities.

My vision for the future aligns with the directions taken by Carol, our president for the past two years, and includes diversification of types of hikes( we added family and dog-friendly hikes) and sustained efforts in promoting the club and increasing membership. Numbers mean strength, diversity, and more choices.
I plan to give a prominent place to international trips and encourage all members to put forward proposals for such trips. We have experienced members that can help. In 2019 the club did the Haute Route from France to Switzerland and this year we have an exciting cycle and hike trip in Italy. In 2020 the club had an all-planned and paid trip to Patagonia, which was cancelled by the world pandemic. We intend to bring that trip back to our members together with other international destinations.
Who am I?
I am a retired professional engineer and ex-adjunct professor at UBC. My hiking career developed for over a decade in Europe and restarted in my fifties when my children left home to pursue their education and careers. I do pro bono professional consulting and volunteer for several organizations- North Shore Hikers being one of them. I am also a competitive paddler.
I hope to meet many of you on future club activities. And remember to challenge yourself every day, contribute to the club with your time and talents, and enjoy life.
President, Cristina Jacob

December Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? You can click here to find out more if you are a member. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org 


Sat 3 Dec A Hike
A2b, Dog Mountain, Mount Seymour Area
Tue 6 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Cypress Back Country Ski Trip
Sun 11 Dec
10:00 am
A1a, Dog Hike, Mosquito Creek, Hikers without dogs also welcome
Tue 13 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Diamond Head Back Country Ski
Sat 17 Dec
9:00 am
A Hike
A1a, Pacific Spirit Park Hike, slow relaxed pace

Tue 20 Dec
8:00 am

Back-country Ski Hollyburn Ski
Tue 20 Dec
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Sunrise Community Center Christmas Party
Mon 26 Dec
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Walk Vancouver Christmas lights walk
Tue 27 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Callaghan Cross Country Ski
Sat 31 Dec A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake

Celebrate the Season

Join us on Tuesday, December 20th, for our annual winter party.
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. @ Sunrise Community Hall. If you have ideas for activities at the party, please contact Cristina.

Trip Report

Hat Mountain via the north ridge

by Alastair Ferries

the objective from below on the descent route

The only area with a reasonable forecast was Vancouver, so I switched Midian Pk (ne of Pemberton) to Hat Mtn via its ‘tricky’ north ridge.  From the Wettin/Hat col the ridge was steep, but the snow was bomber, and there was a good run out.

About 45m below the summit, the route traverses east on a ledge system.  It was only exposed in one short section (an excellent firm tree to hold onto).  Then it was a bit exposed getting up to the summit plateau, but the snow remained firm and great for kicking steps into.

The route is marked, and it wouldn’t be that difficult in summer.

Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry Access Updates

Visit the Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry page for updates on the 2022-2023 winter season.

Reduction in the Backcountry Lift Pass

  • For members of the public that prefer lift access to Garibaldi Park, Whistler Blackcomb has reduced the backcountry lift pass from $62 to $45

Improvements to the lower mountain route (Blackcomb Bench Climb)

  • Whistler Blackcomb has re-routed a portion of the lower mountain trail to improve the user experience.  This re-route will allow for all-weather access to a juncture point where guests can then choose one of two route options to Garibaldi Park (North or South).
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also connects to the Excelerator chairlift via the Excelerator Connector for those guests that have a lift pass, would like to get a bit of exercise and avoid the lineup in the base area.
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also provides the public with an uphill exercise route within the Controlled Recreation Area throughout the day.

Interim Access Route (Blackcomb South Route)

  • Whistler Blackcomb would like to provide the opportunity to utilize the Blackcomb South Route again this year and has extended the access to 9:30 am from 9:00am to allow more time for users to travel up to the bottom of Seventh Heaven.

New Blackcomb North Route

  • Whistler Blackcomb will pilot a new winter access route that travels north through the Controlled Recreation Area into Garibaldi Park to the Phalanx area.
  • Based on conversations with stakeholders in 2021, this route could be a very nice route for day trips – fairly easy route for backcountry access, good terrain, gentle climb, beautiful backcountry ski opportunities.   The northern aspect will keep snow for a longer period and extend the use of the trail for winter use.
  • The potential use of this route is unknown; therefore, providing a breadcrumb trail for the 2022/23 season with the opportunity for feedback will be valuable.

Thanks for reading, and Happy trails. 

2022 Photo contest winner: Scenery anytime, anywhere

Photo by Lesley Bohm - Mt Baker area


Raven – December 2022

Snowflakes glide down, cloaking the fir and mountain hemlocks in a brilliant robe. The forest stills for winter. Bears in their den. Snowshoe hare prints decorate the glades. Raven waits for the sun's return.

Crown Mountain peaks through the trees on the Dam Mt. trail

Incoming President's Message

Dear Members,

Cristina Jacob

As of November 8, 2022, I am your new president. I am eager and excited to work with our core of volunteers and with all of you to plan and enjoy outdoor activities.

My vision for the future aligns with the directions taken by Carol, our president for the past two years, and includes diversification of types of hikes( we added family and dog-friendly hikes) and sustained efforts in promoting the club and increasing membership. Numbers mean strength, diversity, and more choices.
I plan to give a prominent place to international trips and encourage all members to put forward proposals for such trips. We have experienced members that can help. In 2019 the club did the Haute Route from France to Switzerland and this year we have an exciting cycle and hike trip in Italy. In 2020 the club had an all-planned and paid trip to Patagonia, which was cancelled by the world pandemic. We intend to bring that trip back to our members together with other international destinations.
Who am I?
I am a retired professional engineer and ex-adjunct professor at UBC. My hiking career developed for over a decade in Europe and restarted in my fifties when my children left home to pursue their education and careers. I do pro bono professional consulting and volunteer for several organizations- North Shore Hikers being one of them. I am also a competitive paddler.
I hope to meet many of you on future club activities. And remember to challenge yourself every day, contribute to the club with your time and talents, and enjoy life.
President, Cristina Jacob

December Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? You can click here to find out more if you are a member. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org 


Sat 3 Dec A Hike
A2b, Dog Mountain, Mount Seymour Area
Tue 6 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Cypress Back Country Ski Trip
Sun 11 Dec
10:00 am
A1a, Dog Hike, Mosquito Creek, Hikers without dogs also welcome
Tue 13 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Diamond Head Back Country Ski
Sat 17 Dec
9:00 am
A Hike
A1a, Pacific Spirit Park Hike, slow relaxed pace

Tue 20 Dec
8:00 am

Back-country Ski Hollyburn Ski
Tue 20 Dec
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Sunrise Community Center Christmas Party
Mon 26 Dec
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Walk Vancouver Christmas lights walk
Tue 27 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Callaghan Cross Country Ski
Sat 31 Dec A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake

Celebrate the Season

Join us on Tuesday, December 20th, for our annual winter party.
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. @ Sunrise Community Hall. If you have ideas for activities at the party, please contact Cristina.

Trip Report

Hat Mountain via the north ridge

by Alastair Ferries

the objective from below on the descent route

The only area with a reasonable forecast was Vancouver, so I switched Midian Pk (ne of Pemberton) to Hat Mtn via its ‘tricky’ north ridge.  From the Wettin/Hat col the ridge was steep, but the snow was bomber, and there was a good run out.

About 45m below the summit, the route traverses east on a ledge system.  It was only exposed in one short section (an excellent firm tree to hold onto).  Then it was a bit exposed getting up to the summit plateau, but the snow remained firm and great for kicking steps into.

The route is marked, and it wouldn’t be that difficult in summer.

Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry Access Updates

Visit the Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry page for updates on the 2022-2023 winter season.

Reduction in the Backcountry Lift Pass

  • For members of the public that prefer lift access to Garibaldi Park, Whistler Blackcomb has reduced the backcountry lift pass from $62 to $45

Improvements to the lower mountain route (Blackcomb Bench Climb)

  • Whistler Blackcomb has re-routed a portion of the lower mountain trail to improve the user experience.  This re-route will allow for all-weather access to a juncture point where guests can then choose one of two route options to Garibaldi Park (North or South).
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also connects to the Excelerator chairlift via the Excelerator Connector for those guests that have a lift pass, would like to get a bit of exercise and avoid the lineup in the base area.
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also provides the public with an uphill exercise route within the Controlled Recreation Area throughout the day.

Interim Access Route (Blackcomb South Route)

  • Whistler Blackcomb would like to provide the opportunity to utilize the Blackcomb South Route again this year and has extended the access to 9:30 am from 9:00am to allow more time for users to travel up to the bottom of Seventh Heaven.

New Blackcomb North Route

  • Whistler Blackcomb will pilot a new winter access route that travels north through the Controlled Recreation Area into Garibaldi Park to the Phalanx area.
  • Based on conversations with stakeholders in 2021, this route could be a very nice route for day trips – fairly easy route for backcountry access, good terrain, gentle climb, beautiful backcountry ski opportunities.   The northern aspect will keep snow for a longer period and extend the use of the trail for winter use.
  • The potential use of this route is unknown; therefore, providing a breadcrumb trail for the 2022/23 season with the opportunity for feedback will be valuable.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Trails. 

2022 Photo contest winner: Scenery anytime, anywhere

Photo by Lesley Bohm - Mt Baker area


Raven, November 2022

 November 2022

Then suddenly it was fall. Soon winter? It is snowing for real, and it's only November 3rd. This year may be one for fun snowy trips up in the mountains. It is our third straight La Nina year. She can bring the white fluffy stuff and some blustery weather. Strap on your spikes!

Annual General Meeting Reminder

Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022
Sunrise Community Centre
1950 Windermere Street, Vancouver

Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served
Photo Contest Winners & Gear Swap

Read the full  AGENDA here

November Trip Schedule

Evans Peak - Sat November 12th

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? You can click here to find out more if you are a member. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org 

Sat 5 Nov D Hike
Baal and/or Midian Pk
Sun 6 Nov
8:00 am
A Hike
Norvan Falls
Tue 8 Nov
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
2022 AGM
Sat 12 Nov
8 am - 5 pm
C Hike Evan’s Peak
Sat 12 Nov
10:00 am
A Hike
Polytrichum Viewpoint, Halvor Lunden trail, Buntzen Lake,
Sat 19 Nov A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake
Tue 22 Nov
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Yew Lake area Ski
Sun 27 Nov A Hike
A2b Hike To Be Announced

Grouse Mountain Regional Park Closure

​Grouse Mountain Regional Park is currently CLOSED due to helicopter operations in the park from Monday to Saturday, October 31 to November 14. The Grouse Grind, BCMC and Simic Trails are all inside park boundaries. The park will only open on Sundays, weather permitting. The Grouse Mountain Skyride is also closed and will re-open on November 11th.

Renew Your Membership

Annual memberships expire on November 30th. Take a minute to renew today.

Forgot your password? Reset it here. If you've already renewed, thank you so much and see you on the trails. Note: New members who joined in October or November 2022, don't need to renew until November 2023. Thanks so much from your membership team.

Trip Report: Golden Ears East Canyon Loop

by Carol Kautz

Thanks to Katy Poon who led eleven North Shore Hikers on this wonderful, fun hike in Golden Ears Park. Due to the changing temperatures and elevation gain, we had quite a few stops going up the East Canyon Trail. We crossed the bridge to the West Canyon Trail to look down over Gold Creek where the water level was low and then our next stop was Viewpoint Beach. We turned back from Viewpoint Beach and went to the connector loop trail where seven hikers stayed just below Gold Creek Lookout.

Four hikers, led by Bengul, scrambled up to the Upper falls and were glad they did. Out of the four, one became an expert tree hugger on the way down. After the four hikers descended the upper falls, the group descended to the lower falls, had another long break, and returned via the lower falls trail. Everyone was really social, and we all enjoyed the great company and the beautiful fall/summer day. Thank you, Katy, for all your work organizing this successful outing.

Thanks for reading and happy trails!

Now gimme that sandwich.

The Raven – October 2022

The Raven, October 2022

Brown leaves sway down from the tree tops. The chickadees and juncos are back from their alpine summers. Chatty Steller's jays hop alongside dry creekbeds. Our summer is winding down so slowly. Enjoy Augtober!

Acadian Beach
The 5-star biffy up at Whyte Lake
Old gun bunkers on Point Grey

LAST! Call for Photos 

North Shore Hikers members can submit one photo for each category, up until October 31, 2022.  More information and to submit. We will reveal the winners and runners up at the Annual General Meeting.

Category Prize
A scenery photo taken during a 2022 North Shore Hikers trip. $100
A scenery picture shot anytime or anywhere. $50
A wild animal (mammal, bird, reptile, insect, etc.) picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A wild plant (tree, flower, mushroom, etc.) photo taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A people (companions or locals) picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A humorous picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50

Russet Lake via Singing Pass and Musical Bumps

by Ye Chu

Two intrepid hikers met at 5:45 am at the Church to drive up to Whistler, where two other hikers waited for them in the Whistler parking lot. Our group was small but very efficient. We knew we had a challenge ahead of 26.16 km, 2200 cumulative elevation gain and catching the peak-to-peak gondola at 40:0 pm.

We hiked up 11.5 km to singing pass and another 3 km up to Russet lake. Two of us had lunch inside the Claire Kees Hut, relaxing with our feet up in the lounge area. Quite the treat!

After a short lunch, we headed down back to singing pass in glorious sunshine with temperatures at 26 C. From there we hiked the strenuous musical bumps: obo, piccolo and flute (remember, it is the best view in Garibaldi park). After a short 15 min break (2 pm), we headed down to the junction of high note and half note trails. Then we climbed up to the symphony bowl, down to symphony lake, up to harmony bowl, down to harmony lake and finally “yo-yoing” back up to the Whistler Peak-to Peak gondola. We arrived at 3:58 pm with 2 minutes to spare!  An exhausting day with a great group of hikers, who were very grateful for the summer-like weather

October Trip Schedule

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org

Sat 8 Oct
6:30 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike
Cinder cone, Cheakamus Lake approach, Whistler Sat. Oct. 8/22
Sat 8 Oct
8:00 am
Dogs must be on a leash, Burnaby Mountain
Sun 9 Oct
8:00 am
A Hike
A2b, Crooked Falls
Mon 10 Oct
9:30 am - 2:30 pm
easy to intermediate
Cranberry Trail Bike Ride
Sun 16 Oct
8:00 am
A Hike
Golden Ears East Canyon Loop
Sun 23 Oct A Hike
Lower Hollyburn Hike
Fri 28 Oct -
Sun 30 Oct
8:00 am
Cycling Cowichan Valley multiday bike ride
Sat 29 Oct
9:15 am
A Hike
Dog Mountain

Trip Etiquette

Club trips are group trips. The leader will do his or her best to make the trip an enjoyable experience, but as a participant, you have a responsibility to:

  1. Be properly equipped.
  2. Be considerate of others and their abilities.
  3. Keep the pace of the group. If the pace is too fast or if you are having difficulty, tell the leader or the end person.
  4. Stay with the group and keep between the leader and end-person, unless the trip leader has explicitly made other arrangements. (For example, depending on group size and abilities, the leader may decide to split the group into two parties.)

Here are our Activity Guidelines to let you know how to prepare for a trip and what to expect.

Let’s Go Cycling!

by Cristina Jacobs
Our last cub social which was dedicated to cycling was attended by 20+ members interested in the subject. We had an animated round table discussion about rules of the road, insurance, and safe cycling habits. Our website has some information on cycling safety and local requirements. Most cycling requirements in BC are included in the Provincial MVA and local municipal bylaws. Note that cycling rules violations are about $109 per offence and are either payable to ICBC for MVA offences or the local City for municipal bylaws offences. We are planning to augment our website with information on these topics.
On cycling insurance here are some salient points:
  • Your NSH membership covers you on all club-sanctioned cycling trips in Canada or elsewhere, for all claims by a third party against you and the club. Also as a trip leader, you are provided additional legal protection.
  • Similar to incidents occurring during hiking trips, the trip leader must file an incident report for any cycling situations requiring advanced medical attention or/and a trip to the hospital
  • In BC and in the US, ICBC provides insurance to cyclists involved in a collision with a motor vehicle on an insurance system based on the no-fault model. You are covered, regardless of fault, for rehab expenses and wage losses. You must contact ICBC to file a claim. It is a good idea to have good evidence on the details of the incident, including pictures, witnesses, information on the driver, and if possible a police report.
  • In most cases, damage to your bicycle is not covered.
  • In general, theft and damage to your cycle are covered by homeowner or tenant insurance policies. You must check the deductible and the maximum replacement value offered under those policies.
  • If you have an expensive bike it is a good idea to obtain an additional cycle-specific insurance policy. They are available for about $30 -40 per year.
  • And last but not least, hitting a cyclist with a door of a parked car , also called dooring, is an offence that costs the driver $368.
Check the following website for information and maps on the local bike routes:  www.Letsgobiking.net

Thanks for reading and happy trails

The Raven – September 2022

The Raven

Who is ready for fall? Not me. There is still plenty of time to get out in the mountains. We have lots of hikes planned. Bonus: the superbad bug season is finally over. Phew!

Echo Summit looking west toward Crown and CN1
Lynn Canyon Douglas Maples
Whyte Lake
Mayne Island

Next Social Evening

Theme: Let’s go Cycling!

Tuesday, September 13th
Sunrise Community Hall, 1950 Windermere, Vancouver
Time: 7:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.


Slides from international cycling trips

Road Safety for People on Bikes -  ICBC representative
Bicycle Insurance - a round table discussion

Everyone is welcome, members and guests alike
Parking free on the nearby streets
Individually wrapped snacks and drinks
Gear swap + prize draws

September Trip Schedule

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org

Sat 3 Sep
6:30 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike
Brandywine Mountain
Sat 3 Sep
8:15 am
A Hike
A2b, Beer, Fish & Chips, Crossover Hike/Cypress Falls to Horseshoe Bay, Car-free day (in reverse order of course)
Mon 5 Sep
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
moderate pace
Bike around Barnston Island
Sat 10 Sep
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike
Last magnificant ancient forest in Whistler and Cougar Mountain hike
Tue 13 Sep
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Social Club Social Evening
Sat 17 Sep A Hike Deas Island - in the fall. 6090 Deas Island Rd, Delta, BC
Sat 17 Sep
6:00 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike Skywalk full loop from iceberg lake to screaming cat lake -20 km
Sun 18 Sep
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
B Hike
Petgill Lake trail maintenance day
Sat 24 Sep A Hike Iona beach - North Jetty

Photo Contest 

Don't forget about our photo contest! North Shore Hikers members can submit one photo for each category until October 31, 2022. For more information and how to submit >>

Winning photos or commended from  2020

Featured Trip: Capilano Pacific

Cap Pacific Hikers with Millie (the leader)

Ralphie and Carol


Ralphie and Millie

Of the eight hikers who met at the Rabbit Lane trailhead, we had one guest and 3 new members on their first hikes. Ralphie, the beagle, who just moved into his forever home, had a non-stop waggy tail until his mom went into the woods. Tail stopped, he stared at where she went and did not stop howling until she returned. Being a beagle, he was leashed the whole time. Millie, on the other hand, was very chill and was off her leash on all the leash-optional trails. Wasn’t long before Ralphie realized he had a new mentor. He needed a little help when it came to drinking out of streams. It was very hot and his mom had a hard time coaxing him to drink, but Millie did a great job showing him. When we got to Cleveland damn, Ralphie hung out happily at the picnic table while Mom took a little break. The water in the reservoir was very low, and the outflow at the dam was very reduced. We stopped at the hatchery and there was some pretty good Coho action. Returned to the trailhead at about 13:30. Millie and Ralphie were the stars today.

Thanks for reading! Happy trails, everyone.

Coliseum Mountain

The Raven – Summer 2022

The Raven - Summer 2022

Ah summertime, summertime. The forest is storing up energy for winter. Sunny skies, turquoise lakes, melting snowfields, the alpine in bloom and bugs aplenty. There's just no better way to beat the heat than to head up into the forest, or strip off and jump in an alpine lake. Is there?

Viewpoint on Mt. Killam - Gambier Island
The Mt. Killam Camel
Deas Island bike ride
3 Chiefs hikers

New Club Logo

We have updated our logo! The meaning has not changed "Exploring together in the outdoors" but the look and feel is more modern. You will start seeing the new logo on our website and in other communications.




August Trip Schedule

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org



Tue 2 Aug - Thu 4 Aug Camp
A1a to B2b
Manning Park
Tue 2 Aug
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Cycling Evening Bike Trip around Richmond
Sat 6 Aug
8:00 am
B Hike
West Knob via Whyte Lake in West Vancouver
Sun 7 Aug A Hike
A2b, Mt. Parke Loop hike, Mayne Island
Thu 11 Aug
9:30 am
Easy Cycle
Easy Bike Ride at Spanish Banks, and swim, relaxed pace
Sat 13 Aug
8:00 am
A Hike
A2b, Crooked Falls, Squamish area
Sun 14 Aug A Hike
Bowen Island Ramble, A2a, Slow paced, New Members Welcome
Tue 23 Aug
9:30 am
A Hike
Black Mountain via Baden Powell Trail, A2a
Sat 27 Aug
7:00 am - 7:00 pm
C Hike
Goat Ridge, Squamish
Sun 28 Aug
9:30 am
A Hike
Fishermens’s Trail area / Rice Lake

Presenters Wanted - Cycling Theme

Our social nights are created by you! The next theme is "Cycling" Did you go on a cycle tour? a bikepacking trip? find some gravel trails? Our social convener is looking for people to share their photos and experience for 15 minutes at the next social, on September 13th. Please contact Cristina.

Photo Contest 

Don't forget about our photo contest! North Shore Hikers members can submit one photo for each category until October 31, 2022. For more information and how to submit >>

Category Prize
A scenery photo taken during a 2022 North Shore Hikers trip. $100
A scenery picture shot anytime, anywhere. $50
A wild animal (mammal, bird, reptile, insect, etc.) picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A wild plant (tree, flower, mushroom, etc.) photo taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A people (companions or locals) picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50
A humorous picture taken anytime, anywhere. $50

Garibaldi Lake campground closed due to flooding

High heat and the unseasonably large snowpack has caused the lake to rise and flood the Garibaldi Lake Campground. This  is blocking access in or out of the campground. The Garibaldi Lake Campground will be closed until the lake recedes to a safe level. Please check back here for further updates.


Lynn Headwaters Lease Expires

Home to the 4th largest girth tree in Canada, Lynn Headwaters park is on land leased from the province for 30 years. That term is up and conservationist and lawyer Paul Hundal, who lives in West Vancouver, is using the opportunity to petition for permanent park status that would protect the area in perpetuity. In his view, a short-term lease is designed to give the province the option of logging the area in the future if it chooses then to do so.
Learn More >>

Thanks for reading, Happy Summer Trails

Rockwall - Kootenay National Park




The Raven June 2022

The Raven - June 2022

Wow. May was wet. Really wet. But we got some great trips in anyways. Our club is waterproof! Even so, I am sure we are all hoping for a better June.

Mount Gardner Summitt
Fraser River Bike Ride
Fisherman's Trail Hike

June Trip Schedule

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org

Sun 5 Jun
9:45 am
A Hike - A3b BCMC Hike
Sat 11 Jun A Hike
Pitt-Addington Marsh, Great Birding Hike
Sun 12 Jun
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
B Hike - B2a Al’s Habrich Ridge Trail (from gondola)
Sun 12 Jun
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cycling - easy to moderate pace Richmond bike ride
Tue 14 Jun - Wed 15 Jun Cycling
Easy pace
Saltspring Island bike camp
Sun 19 Jun B Hike
Full Pull Hike, Coquitlam B2b
Wed 22 June B Hike
Mount Galiano and Bluffs
Sun 26 Jun D Hike
The Nai (FMCBC hike)
Sun 26 Jun
10:00 am
Hollyburn Mountain
Mon 27 Jun
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Club Social Evening

Why Carpool?

If at all possible, please try to carpool to trailheads. We can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the requirement for electrical power by sharing. Some members do not have vehicles and would appreciate a ride. In addition, the pressure for parking in neighbourhoods close to trailheads can be problematic. To compensate drivers for fuel and maintenance, we suggest a $7.00 fee which should be paid at the end of each adventure. Thanks for taking care of the environment and helping each other out.

Next Social Features Adventure Smart Presentation

Join us on Monday, June 27th at our next social evening to learn more about outdoor preparedness. Discover best practices and more. All are welcome - members and guests.

  • Trip Planning - making a plan and leaving a trip plan.
  • Training - physical, certification-based, mentorship, mental strength, decision making.
  • Taking the Essentials - basic safety items, plus adding season and sport-specific gear.
  • What to do in an emergency - who to call for help, when to call for help, how to call for help, no charge for rescue, the S.T.O.P. analogy and signalling S.O.S.

Featured Trip: Al's Habrich Ridge

by Anita Leonard

The day dawned cold and cloudy, in keeping with the general temperament of this miserable spring. Showers were forecast for later in the day, precluding any hope of a brighter afternoon. But despite the uninspiring weather, an even dozen of intrepid souls showed up for the hike from the base of the Chief to the top of the Sea to Sky gondola and beyond. Like me, I’m sure everyone else had given up on waiting for better weather, since better weather was clearly not on its way any time soon.

The Sea to Summit trail is often described as the Sea to Summit Grind, but it’s really not much of a grind at all. While it has an elevation gain of 850m, it’s spread out over 8km. Moreover, the Sea to Summit trail is really very lovely, offering close-up views of Olesen and Shannon Creeks, dramatic outcroppings of Squamish granite, and of course the always wonderful, drippingly-lush forest.

The extremely good company provided by all the participants made the hike fly by. We ran into a bit of snow just before the gondola base-station, but overall, there was less snow on this portion than expected.

We settled down for a well-deserved lunch with some not-so-bad views of Howe Sound and miscellaneous mountains peeking out briefly from behind the clouds. The predicted showers had abated and the station was buzzing with tourist gamely making the best of things. Here we left a few of our party behind since their hiking appetites were already sated. But eight of us were still hungry for a little bit more and so we ventured on to Al’s Habrich Ridge Trail.

By now, the snow-cover was pretty constant. Snowshoes were good at first, but then the terrain became a bit more challenging and the snow more slippery. Soon we were all back to microspikes, which had the benefit of not acting like toboggans when you least expected it, but had the disadvantage of not preventing you, even a little bit, from sinking deeply into the soft snow with some regularity.

As we slowly progressed, our attrition rate began to go up until at last we were all ready to call it a day. A few peak-a-boo mountain views later, we were swooping back down on the gondola over the terrain that had taken us hours to hike up. All in all, it was a great day and a great hike.

Thanks for reading and Happy Trails

Panther Peak and Tetrahedron from Mt. Liddell

The Raven, April 2022

Hydraulic Creek trail - Attempt at Paton Peak

Spring Renewal

It is certainly feeling like spring out there. But up in the alpine, plenty of snow will still greet you (snowshoes or spikes? the eternal question).  April is a time of renewal and regeneration. Everything feels fresh again. Lots of new things are happening in your club. This is the "New" edition of The Raven. After all, that's what news should be.

New - Waivers

The Federation of Mountain Clubs of BC has updated their waivers and that means we get new ones as well. If you are signed in and go to the schedule page, you will be automatically asked to sign a new waiver. This is legit, so please do it.

Bike Stash Hydraulic Creek

New - Trip Guidelines for Leaders

Wondering how to lead a trip? There's a guideline for that. Our new guidelines for trip leaders are abbreviated in a single document for both hike and bike trips. We tried to streamline them to make it easy. Remember too that you can always ask any seasoned leaders for help. We are a friendly bunch. On that note: "seasoned leaders"  we have changed the email to send in your signup sheets from tripreports@northshorehikers.org to signupsheets@northshorehikers.org to make it super-duper obvious where to send them. Yes, duper.

Howe Sound from Wettin Peak

New  - Carpooling Fees

Well, nobody likes fee increases, but here we are. We've raised the suggested amount for driver reimbursement.  As the costs of maintaining and fuelling vehicles go up due to inflation, we suggest $7.00 per person/hour of driving time on paved roads and $12.00 /hour on rough logging roads, and in adverse conditions. Inflation sucks! Buy Bitcoin.

Its cherry blossom show time

New - April Trip Schedule

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org

Sat 2 Apr B2b Mt. Galiano  medium pace
Sat 2 Apr
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
A2a Burnaby Mountain medium pace
Sat 2 Apr
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cycling 6 lake Cycle from Trout lake to Coquiltam’s Lafarge lake on quiet trails/sideroads
Sun 3 Apr
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cycling Cycling White Rock: 1000-year-old Semiahmoo trail, Nicomekl river trail, Elgin park, Blackie spit, Crescent beach and more
Tue 5 Apr Back-country Ski Mt Seymour
Sat 9 Apr Back-country Ski
Alpen Mtn snowshoers welcome
Sat 9 Apr A1a Jug Island
Fri 15 Apr D3d Zum Pk long tough day optional car camping Thursday night
Sat 16 Apr A2a East Canyon/Hiker’s Beach, Golden Ears moderate pace
Tue 19 Apr A2b Raindancer (lower Seymour over to Quarry Rock)
Sat 23 Apr Snow Hike
Elfin Shelters
Vehicles require snow tires and chains
relaxed pace
Sat 23 Apr C3c Mt. Fletcher (Chehalis) medium/fast pace
Sun 24 Apr
8:45 am
A1a Pacific Spirit Park, A1a
Tue 26 Apr Back-country Ski Mt Strachan (or Seymour)
Sat 30 Apr
8:00 am
A2a Two Canyons medium pace
Spongy tree up Hydraulic Creek Trail

12 Secrets to Successful Multi-day Trip Planning

  1. Decide on the destination
  2. Research the destination including but not limited to: best time to go, potential itinerary, potential accommodations, travel arrangements, potential guiding professionals
  3. Contact the  multi-day coordinator, currently Diane Whiteley, for advice and approval in principle to advertise the trip on the NSH website
  4. Issue a formal request for expressions of interest from members
  5. Maintain a list of interested parties and communicate with the people on that list
  6. Hold a face-to-face meeting  to start defining the details ( time of the year, duration, proposed itinerary)
  7. Continue to  refine the details  with committed people
  8. Suggestions of approaches to coordinate the trip: have a co-leader; commit only to provide relevant information on flights/transportation /guiding companies/accommodations and leave actual arrangements and payments to the individual participants; provide a detailed list of daily activities and exact dates for the trip; choose a meeting point/time/date to start and end the trip
  9. If there are any costs to be shared, charge people early in the process. That can eliminate people who are not committed
  10. There are instances when accommodations can be arranged by the organizer for all participants, such as renting a camping group site or an entire hostel. In these situations, a full deposit is required from participants. The organizer or the club pays the charge and recovers the costs from the deposits.
  11. In case of cancellations, the organizer and the cancelling party work together to find a replacement. At no time, is the organizer responsible for covering the cost of the cancellation.
  12. AFTER your trip: Write a wonderful trip report and make a presentation at one of our club socials.
Where are you going next?

What Happened? in 1976/78

Okay, not new. But still cool. Here's a snippet from our past.

In 1976 the membership fee doubled from $1.00 to $2.00. Whoa! Highway robbery. An introductory fee was also considered as a way of reducing the annual turnover of 250 people/year, but this was rejected. In 1978, the average number of people out each Sunday was 70. That's huge!!

Looking toward Pump from Tim Jones

Happy Trails and thanks for reading