Raven – December 2022

Snowflakes glide down, cloaking the fir and mountain hemlocks in a brilliant robe. The forest stills for winter. Bears in their den. Snowshoe hare prints decorate the glades. Raven waits for the sun's return.

Crown Mountain peaks through the trees on the Dam Mt. trail

Incoming President's Message

Dear Members,

Cristina Jacob

As of November 8, 2022, I am your new president. I am eager and excited to work with our core of volunteers and with all of you to plan and enjoy outdoor activities.

My vision for the future aligns with the directions taken by Carol, our president for the past two years, and includes diversification of types of hikes( we added family and dog-friendly hikes) and sustained efforts in promoting the club and increasing membership. Numbers mean strength, diversity, and more choices.
I plan to give a prominent place to international trips and encourage all members to put forward proposals for such trips. We have experienced members that can help. In 2019 the club did the Haute Route from France to Switzerland and this year we have an exciting cycle and hike trip in Italy. In 2020 the club had an all-planned and paid trip to Patagonia, which was cancelled by the world pandemic. We intend to bring that trip back to our members together with other international destinations.
Who am I?
I am a retired professional engineer and ex-adjunct professor at UBC. My hiking career developed for over a decade in Europe and restarted in my fifties when my children left home to pursue their education and careers. I do pro bono professional consulting and volunteer for several organizations- North Shore Hikers being one of them. I am also a competitive paddler.
I hope to meet many of you on future club activities. And remember to challenge yourself every day, contribute to the club with your time and talents, and enjoy life.
President, Cristina Jacob

December Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? You can click here to find out more if you are a member. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact membership@northshorehikers.org 


Sat 3 Dec A Hike
A2b, Dog Mountain, Mount Seymour Area
Tue 6 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Cypress Back Country Ski Trip
Sun 11 Dec
10:00 am
A1a, Dog Hike, Mosquito Creek, Hikers without dogs also welcome
Tue 13 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Diamond Head Back Country Ski
Sat 17 Dec
9:00 am
A Hike
A1a, Pacific Spirit Park Hike, slow relaxed pace

Tue 20 Dec
8:00 am

Back-country Ski Hollyburn Ski
Tue 20 Dec
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Sunrise Community Center Christmas Party
Mon 26 Dec
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Walk Vancouver Christmas lights walk
Tue 27 Dec
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Callaghan Cross Country Ski
Sat 31 Dec A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake

Celebrate the Season

Join us on Tuesday, December 20th, for our annual winter party.
7:30 - 9:30 p.m. @ Sunrise Community Hall. If you have ideas for activities at the party, please contact Cristina.

Trip Report

Hat Mountain via the north ridge

by Alastair Ferries

the objective from below on the descent route

The only area with a reasonable forecast was Vancouver, so I switched Midian Pk (ne of Pemberton) to Hat Mtn via its ‘tricky’ north ridge.  From the Wettin/Hat col the ridge was steep, but the snow was bomber, and there was a good run out.

About 45m below the summit, the route traverses east on a ledge system.  It was only exposed in one short section (an excellent firm tree to hold onto).  Then it was a bit exposed getting up to the summit plateau, but the snow remained firm and great for kicking steps into.

The route is marked, and it wouldn’t be that difficult in summer.

Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry Access Updates

Visit the Whistler Blackcomb Backcountry page for updates on the 2022-2023 winter season.

Reduction in the Backcountry Lift Pass

  • For members of the public that prefer lift access to Garibaldi Park, Whistler Blackcomb has reduced the backcountry lift pass from $62 to $45

Improvements to the lower mountain route (Blackcomb Bench Climb)

  • Whistler Blackcomb has re-routed a portion of the lower mountain trail to improve the user experience.  This re-route will allow for all-weather access to a juncture point where guests can then choose one of two route options to Garibaldi Park (North or South).
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also connects to the Excelerator chairlift via the Excelerator Connector for those guests that have a lift pass, would like to get a bit of exercise and avoid the lineup in the base area.
  • The Blackcomb Bench Climb also provides the public with an uphill exercise route within the Controlled Recreation Area throughout the day.

Interim Access Route (Blackcomb South Route)

  • Whistler Blackcomb would like to provide the opportunity to utilize the Blackcomb South Route again this year and has extended the access to 9:30 am from 9:00am to allow more time for users to travel up to the bottom of Seventh Heaven.

New Blackcomb North Route

  • Whistler Blackcomb will pilot a new winter access route that travels north through the Controlled Recreation Area into Garibaldi Park to the Phalanx area.
  • Based on conversations with stakeholders in 2021, this route could be a very nice route for day trips – fairly easy route for backcountry access, good terrain, gentle climb, beautiful backcountry ski opportunities.   The northern aspect will keep snow for a longer period and extend the use of the trail for winter use.
  • The potential use of this route is unknown; therefore, providing a breadcrumb trail for the 2022/23 season with the opportunity for feedback will be valuable.

Thanks for reading, and Happy trails. 

2022 Photo contest winner: Scenery anytime, anywhere

Photo by Lesley Bohm - Mt Baker area