Sendero Diez Vistas, Dec 6, 2018

Forums Trip Reports Sendero Diez Vistas, Dec 6, 2018

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  • #9005
    Bengul Kurtar

    Yesterday, three of us hiked on the Sendero  Diez Vistas trail counter clockwise. The plants (shrubs and trees) along the trail at low elevation (reservoir level) were frosty. A trail maintenance crew were on site. Half of the Buntzen lake trail on the east side was closed. We followed detour route. There were no closure before the bridge at the north end of Buntzen lake on the Diez Vistas trail. You may check BC Hydro website before heading to the Buntzen Lake trails: 

    We had a sunny lunch spot with a view of Belcarra and Bedwell Bay for half an hour. We arrived to parking lot before 3 pm. We had started to hike at 9:45 am.

    If you are interested in seeing my album, here is the link:

    Hope to see you on the trails!


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