PoCo Trail on Grey Cup Day

Forums Trip Reports PoCo Trail on Grey Cup Day

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  • #1417

    On a day that the Grey Cup game was played and Paul McCartney had a one night stand in Vancouver, ten hikers went out on a long 24.4 km walk around the PoCo Trail. Great late fall day. Warm in the sun, and chilly in the shade. Thank you to Mary for leading this hike.

    Picture link as follows:



    Andrea Farmer

    Beautiful pictures Gillian.
    I found the drama of the spawning and dead salmon very moving. The smell was moving too.
    The mountain vistas looking along the Pitt River were spectacular.
    Thanks for organizing Mary.

    David Ryeburn

    Thank you very much for taking the pictures, Gillian. And thank you, Mary, for doing your usual great job of organizing and leading the hike. See you next November!

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