Friday April 2nd Easy Cycle Trip Report

Forums Trip Reports Friday April 2nd Easy Cycle Trip Report

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  • #13109
    Holly Evans

    The hoped-for sunshine did not appear until early afternoon – a couple of hours after the end of our easy ride from Richmond Re-cycle Depot to Steveston and back.  It was cold!  We had a few drops of rain a few times to keep us alert.  We followed River Road then Crabapple Ridge Bike Route to Steveston.  We turned around at the Cannery to head back along the dyke to Garry Point Park for a lunch stop, sitting on logs riverside and huddled behind boulders to protect us from the chilly wind.  Bengul made herself at home in a ready-made nest, while Ken paced to stay warm as he ate.  We talked of trips recently enjoyed, adventures to come and quarantines past.  We followed the dyke all the way back and stopped to enjoy the sights – cherry blossoms, ­­­­great flocks of snow geese and a lone juvenile eagle in a tree – along the way.  We said our farewells not long after noon.  Jayne (Central Park in Burnaby) and Bengul (Kitsilano) had both ridden from home, so had much more than the 20km the rest of us clocked on the ride.   Thanks to first-time NSH rider Ling, long-time NSH rider Lesley, Jayne, Bengul and Ken for coming out to cycle on such a wintry Good Friday and for being such good company.

    “It’s the kind of day that makes me glad I have duct tape over the vents in my helmet” – Lesley Bohm

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    Bengul Kurtar

    Thank you for leading us on this trip and the trip report with the photos (I missed the one snow geese were flying) , Holly!

    For me the ride was approx. 47 km with 110 m el gain and lost. Here is my pics:

    See you on the trails!



    Ling Henderson

    Thank you for leading us and sharing photos with us, Holly.

    I was on the waitlist for this trip at first, then got a call from Holly to join two hours prior to the start. I was very happy to get out of house and enjoy riding through the quiet and beautiful neighborhood in Richmond where I hadn’t been before. The ride is easy and smooth. The scenery along the coast is spectacular.

    Bengul’s photos are very nice too!

    Hope to ride with you guys again in the future.



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