Dog Mountain & Suicide Bluffs – June 6

Forums Trip Reports Dog Mountain & Suicide Bluffs – June 6


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  • #8321
    Mark Latham

    We (seven members) met at Bean Around the World in Parkgate Village at 9:30am, and carpooled up to Mount Seymour ski area parking lot. The usual early summer bugs welcomed us as we got out of our cars, but we soon left them behind. Trail to Dog Mountain was easy enough, with some sections snow-covered. Nice viewpoint for elevenses when we got there. Bugs found us again, but tolerable if you find a breezy spot.

    Returning via Suicide Bluffs trail – less travelled, higher up so more snow-covered, sometimes hard to follow the trail. Needed several pairs of eyes to spot the orange markers. GPS (with trail included) was a reassuring fallback. Fortunately the two brief steep bits (with fixed ropes) were snow-free – no problem clambering up.

    The Bluffs are higher than Dog Mountain, so even better views at our lunch stop – dry rock to sit on, and mostly snow around so no bugs yet. Later we took a shortcut to the trail leading to the Search & Rescue cabin. Enough little challenges to make it fun. 🙂

    Weather was pleasant – no rain, mixed sun & clouds, moderate temperature made the snow ideal for walking on. Easy to kick steps, only post-holed a few times.

    Thank you Steve for leading us!

    Later we’ll post a link to photos here:


    Katy Poon

    Thank you Steve and everyone for a wonderful hike yesterday.

    Here is the “correct” link to our photos:

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