Brother’s Creek Loop

Forums Trip Reports Brother’s Creek Loop

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  • #14674
    Jatinder Sidhu

    It was cold (-8°C), but bright and sunny as 11 adults and 3 kids gathered for our Winter Wonderland hike at 10am from Brother’s Creek trailhead. All the main roads in the British Properties were ploughed and salted, so easy enough to get to (thanks West Van District!)

    Patricia, Ye, Lidia, Richard, Naomi, Aldona, Carole, Mark, and new members Donna and my wife Jas, plus our kids Arjun (13), Veer (11), and Aceise (10). There were no dogs and, perhaps because we were too preoccupied with wrapping up, no-one turned up in festive wear.

    Our route was easy enough – the snow on the trails was well compacted and nearly everyone had spikes.

    From the trailhead we joined Baden Powell trail westward until the bridge (‘Lower Bridge’?) over Brother’s Creek, then turned North following the Brother’s Creek trail as far as the new Brother’s bridge.

    After a snack/lunch break we followed the Brother’s Creek Fire Road trail as it zigzaged all the way back.

    The snowy forest was gorgeous – “straight out of Narnia” – and a pleasant morning was had by all.

    Distance: 6.5km
    Time: 3hrs 10 mins

    Happy New Year everyone!

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    Jatinder Sidhu

    The new Brother’s Bridge – with Donna & Aceise.

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