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  • thoughts on “mid-week

    1. Were you logged in? Doesn’t work for people not logged in.

      Did you go to the actual forum page or were you looking at the list of forums?

    2. Roy, I have the same problem as Vinit. There are weird words like coding appears at the bottom. Nothing like what your screenshot looks like. No “subscribe” or “home” etc. The similar codes appear at the bottom of this screen too. I am logged in. It must be a bug. :(. Katy

      1. A couple of things.

        1. The comments area on a news post isn’t a good way to report software problems. Comments can go unread. Write to the webmaster, or even better, use the website support form on the Members Only tab to ask for help.

        2. Might be a bug, or it could be an issue with the combination of operating system, ISP and browser you use. The internet is complicated. As webmaster I try to create things that work for most people most of the time but I can’t control the communications between the server and your computer and your configuration of hardware and software.

        3. The problem Vinit experienced went away when he tried again. I can’t fix things that aren’t reproducible. However, I can look for patterns. Tell me what operating system you are using, including version, and what browser, also including version. Have you run all the updates for your system? Can you reproduce the problem?

    3. I moved the subscribe button slightly to the right to make it a bit more obvious.

      It was right up against the text for the path to the page.

      Hope that is useful.

    4. Roslyn Johns, (Roz) is definitely interested in signing up. I see that the details will be available in January. I will be in New Zealand. I will look for the announcement.

      I really enjoyed the Kananaskis Country Hike.

      Cheers Roz

    5. There may be fewer members than last year but we are out there hiking, biking and skiing and staying healthy…thanks to a lot of hard work by trip leaders….many thanks to all of you!

    6. The revised plan for this Saturday will be to ride the Whistler lifts at opening (8:30) and head to Oboe and ski off that and Cowboy Ridge and anything else that looks irresistible. Participants will need transceiver, probe, shovel and skins (which you need to show the ticket agent) and $56 which entitles us to four lift rides up. Meet at St Davids Church at 6:15 and/or Guest Services at 8:15 AM. I need to know who is coming please.

      Sorry if this is a duplicate sending.

    7. Hi Gordon,

      I am a new member so I am still figuring out the site works. I thought I would start off with this hike to Lighthouse Park. The question I have is how long is it. Or where do I find details or are there any.



    8. Hello Lori,

      Welcome to our club!

      The length and difficulty of our hikes are given in the “Category and Level” section. For this event, it is an “A2a” as you can see. You can go to the “Activities” tab and choose the “Classification of Hikes”. This will bring you to a page explaining how the classification works.

      You may google “Lighthouse Park” for more info. And of course you can call the leader too, as long as you don’t call him too late at night or too early in the morning.

      Happy hiking!


    9. Hi there, I’m new to the club and would like to come out to this one. Do I need to sign up somewhere? And where would be the exact meeting location? Thanks,

    10. I have sent my North Shore Hiking Club application by mail and have used the PW provided by email to log in. How do I change that PW to something more friendly? Thank you for the information, Hana

    11. Hello Hana,
      After you have logged in, at the home page (the page immediately after you have logged in, or click “Home” on the menu bar to reach this page), in the box on the top right corner, click on “Update Membership Info or Password”. On the next page,
      scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see the area for changing your password.
      Hope this helps. See you on the trails.

    12. looks fantastic… but overlaps with the Nature Vancouver camps, which are usually held the last week in July and the first week in August, on an annual basis. Since there is overlap between NSH and NV maybe next year when planning the NSH camp you could consider dates which don’t conflict?

    13. I have three pairs of Hillsound crampons:

      1. Trail Crampon Ultra — My top recommendation for general hiking crampon use in our local mountains. (“Trail Crampon” is similar and probably also good. Any comments if you’ve tried them?)

      2. Cypress6 — Adjustable width can fit large & small boots. But fixed length is too short for my size 11 boots, though usable. They work fine on smaller boots like maybe size 8 & smaller. Bigger spikes than the above 2 models, so better traction in mushy snow.

      3. Trail Crampon Pro — Big spikes, better traction than any of the above, available in several sizes. Usually more than I need. Trail Crampon Ultra above is fine.

    14. I have three pairs of Hillsound crampons:

      1. Trail Crampon Ultra — My top recommendation for general hiking crampon use in our local mountains. (“Trail Crampon” is similar and probably also good. Any comments if you’ve tried them?)

      2. Cypress6 — Adjustable width can fit large & small boots. But fixed length is too short for my size 11 boots, though usable. They work fine on smaller boots like maybe size 8 & smaller. Bigger spikes than the above 2 models, so better traction in mushy snow.

      3. Trail Crampon Pro — Big spikes, better traction than any of the above, available in several sizes. Usually more than I need. Trail Crampon Ultra above is fine.

    15. Reopening plan updated on June 21, 2020:
      – Guests are now permitted to join trips;
      – Trip co-ordinators can organize a trip in the same area as another scheduled trip, with conditions.

    16. Reopening plan updated on July 25, 2020:

      Car-pooling: We now allow car-pooling by members of different households or “social bubbles”, as long as everyone in the car wears a mask and at least one window is partly open.

      Note that trip organizers (leaders) may choose to set stricter standards than this on their trips. Similarly, club members who drive may choose stricter standards for car-pooling; there is no pressure for drivers to accept passengers.

    17. Reopening plan updated on September 10, 2020:

      Maximum group size limits increased to:
      – 8 hikers, including organizer;
      – 8 cyclists, including organizer;
      – 4 canoes, including the organizer’s canoe.

      Trip organizers must specify the trip’s group size limit in the trip description, and can choose a limit less than or equal to the maximums shown above.

    18. Reopening plan updated on November 12, 2020:

      1. Now based on:
      the BC Government Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley restrictions;
      instead of:
      the BC Government Restart Plan’s schedule of Phase 2 (mid-May to June), Phase 3 (June to September), and Phase 4 (September onwards);

      2. no carpooling unless everyone in the car is in the same “core bubble”;

      3. Maximum group size limits decreased to:
      – 6 hikers, including organizer;
      – 6 cyclists, including organizer;
      – 3 canoes, including the organizer’s canoe.

    19. BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry seems to consider hiking safe enough. Here are quotes from her press conference on November 16, 2020:

      Question: “… A friend of mine was walking on the weekend, and she said she passed about 100 people in two hours none of them were wearing a mask. But it was on a trail so people were kind of close at some point. So what’s the protocol in that sort of situation?”

      Bonnie Henry: “… the things that we have learned about this virus are that it doesn’t transmit very easily outdoors. And it’s certainly it takes a period of time. So if I’m walking by somebody, even on a trail, if I’m running past somebody, if I’m walking down a crowded street and, and we’re just passing by each other, those are not risky situations in terms of the virus being transmitted to each other.

      … outdoor settings are safer [than indoor]. Going for a walk with somebody is safe. Keep your distance as much as possible. But, and then you don’t need to wear masks. But walking past somebody is not a high risk situation.”

      [See https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1821564494662151 starting at 39 minutes 23 seconds.]

    20. The BC government is continually updating their covid rules in response to changing rates of infection etc. As a result, I’ve replaced the first two bulleted links in our plan above. They used to be:

      All club trips, trip attendees, and trip organizers must follow new health and safety rules and guidelines. The rules and guidelines are based on:
      • the BC Government Restart Plan; [Still exists but I found a better one below.]
      • the BC Government Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley restrictions; [No longer exists.]

      But now I’ve changed them to:

      All club trips, trip attendees, and trip organizers must follow new health and safety rules and guidelines. The rules and guidelines are based on:
      • the BC Government Phase 3 Restart Plan; [More informative than the one above.]
      • the BC Government Province-wide restrictions; [Covers similar points to the page above that disappeared.]

    21. Reopening plan updated on December 10, 2020:

      In view of recent tightening of BC government COVID restrictions, the North Shore Hikers Executive Committee has decided to no longer accept guests on club hikes, until further notice.

    22. Today added section at the top above, entitled “Updates from October 6, 2021 executive committee meeting”. Deleted the superseded sections in the main text re:
      – carpooling
      – group size limits
      – covid questions