Category Archives: Parks and trails

The Raven – April 2023

March can be undecided. Is it warm? Or will it snow? New snow on the mountains means an extended ski and snowshoe season. Get up there in the snow while you still can, the crocuses are in bloom!

This Weekend is Social!

Join us on a multi-day activity-filled weekend, including  a social get-together at Cristina’s house in Squamish starting Saturday at 6 pm. Members are invited to spend Saturday and Sunday nights at her house and participate in downhill, cross-country and snowshoeing activities Sat, Sun, and Mon. Saturday night social is a potluck style party featuring your best power bar among other yummy food and drinks you decide to share with your fellow hikers. Contact Cristina for more details and to register

There is plenty of snow up here.

Photo from Scutt peak hike

April Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?

Sat 1 Apr - Mon
3 Apr
Club Social Event: Goodbye Winter party
Sat 1 Apr
10:00 am - 4 pm
Moderate Callaghan cross country ski and snowshoe
Sat 1 Apr
10:00 - 4:00 pm
A Hike
Sea to Summit Trail
Sun 2 Apr
10:00  - 3:00 pm
Moderate A hike Brohm Lake hike in Squamish
Mon 3 Apr
10:00  - 4:00 pm
Moderate Downhill Whistler
Tue 4 Apr Back-country Ski
Diamond Head
Sat 8 Apr
9:45 am - 4:45 pm


Bike ride to Victoria in a day trip or a long 3 day weekend trip to Sooke for biking and hiking.
Sun 9 Apr
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cycling leisurely moderate Training rides - 70 km loop
Tue 11 Apr Back-country Ski
Hollyburn Mtn
Sat 15 Apr
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Cycling - B Bike ride around Belcarra and Sasamat Lake
Sun 16 Apr
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
leisurely moderate
Training rides - 70 km loop
Tue 18 Apr Back-country Ski Mt Baker
Sat 22 Apr A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake Loop and around the Lake
Sat 22 Apr
10:00 am - 3:00pm
Cycling - B David's loop from Coquitlam, Bert Flinn Park and around Port Moody's waterfront all on bike trails
Sun 23 Apr

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

leisurely moderate
Training rides - 70 km loop
Sat 29 Apr
10:00 - 4:30 pm
Cycling b/c colony farm, poco trail and minnekada bike trails
Sun 30 Apr
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
leisurely moderate
Training rides - 70 km loop

 Attend Patrick Brown's Celebration of Life


Mount Seymour Park - Join a Virtual Workshop

As the number of visitors to Mount Seymour Provincial Park continues to rise, there is growing pressure on the park’s facilities and resources. BC Parks is working to identify what facilities and services are needed to:

  • Provide a range of enjoyable, high-quality and safe outdoor recreation opportunities for visitors, and
  • Help manage the increasing number of visitors to protect the environmental and cultural integrity of the park.

We invite your organization to participate in a multi-stakeholder virtual workshop to discuss the project. We will talk about Mount Seymour Provincial Park’s strengths and challenges, and your suggestions for objectives and ideas to consider in the Recreation Facility Plan. To register for the workshop, please visit

Trip Report: Mt. Galiano

by Carol Kautz

Eleven hikers decided to take on the Bluffs and Mt. Galiano Loop hike on a beautiful, sunny Saturday. And guess what? Every single one of them made it to the finish line, despite the fact they were huffing a puffing like a steam engine.

Special thanks to Dave, who led some of the hikers on a five-minute detour to the old Galiano cemetery. Because you know, nothing SCREAMS “fun Hike” like a quick trip to the graveyard.  But hey, at least they got to pay their respects to some long-gone Galiano residents.

Up on top of Galiano, everyone was treated to some stunning views of the surrounding scenery.  And what better way to enjoy the view than by discussing the local ant and beetle population?  Riveting conversations, folks, and riveting stuff.

The Galiano Soap Works Store continues to make a killing selling Epson and Bath Salts to some of the North Shore Hikers. I guess sore muscles are the price you pay for a day of hiking and bug talk. All in all it was a great time with great company.

Some of the hikers, in case you were wondering, were Galiano newbies, but they handled the challenge like pros.  Thanks to everyone that joined in on the fun!

PS.  When the conversation came up about the roses and thorns of the day.  It was concluded that it was a day of gorgeous roses, with few thorns!

Thanks for reading! Happy trails to all. 
View from Galiano

The Raven – March 2023

Trip Report: Scutt Peak

by Alistair Ferries

On Jan 28 nine of us attempted Scutt Pk (also known as Scuff Pk), 2238m, immediately north west of D’arcy. The 1600m bushwack was occasionally thrashy, and it took nearly seven hours to reach alpine at 2,000m, where three participants stayed. The somewhat imposing summit was easier than it looked. Except it wasn’t the summit. The true summit was a bit higher and a bit beyond. And the final 5 metres of it took almost 2hrs. As we first tried to find a safe way up powder snow on icy granite slabs; and then once a route was found; took turns going up and back. By the time we all summited, one member was too frozen to be able to remove his crampons. Fortunately, we had extra clothes, and once lower and out of the wind, he warmed up.

False summit - Whaaa?
Summit - Scutt Peak

March Trip Schedule

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?

Sat 4 Mar D Hike
Spider Pk
Tue 7 Mar Back-country Ski
Hollyburn Mtn
Sat 11 Mar
6:00 am - 6:00 pm
C Hike Rainbow Lake Trail Snowshoe
Tue 14 Mar Back-country Ski
Sat 18 Mar Back-country Ski
Hollyburn / Strachan / Christmas Gully
Sat 18 Mar Hike
B2b/ B1a
Mt. Galiano/Bluffs
Tue 21 Mar Back-country Ski
Sat 25 Mar D Hike
Niche Pk
Tue 28 Mar Back-country Ski
Mt Seymour

2023 Social Events 

Our Social Convener, Donna Nyberg and friends have devised a preliminary schedule for our club socials for this year. You may already know that we are not using the Sunrise Community hall anymore, as their rental rates have quadrupled over the past two years( $40/night in 2021, $90/night in 2022 and $150/night in 2023).

Our new socials will add a fun/twist. If you have additional ideas, contact Donna. She'll add it to the preliminary schedule. All club socials will be posted on our Schedule as the dates are firmed up. Here's what we have so far:

April  “Goodbye Winter“ SOCIAL - Date TBA

One night in Squamish at Cristina’s place: potluck dinner featuring your favourite power bar! Two days of snowshoeing and cross-country skiing at Callaghan - if snow conditions are not good, there will be two hikes in Squamish.

 May  “ Hello Spring” SOCIAL - Date TBA

Cycling and hiking trip in Victoria
Two nights in Victoria at a resort or hotel/motel of your choice
Galloping Goose cycle
East Sook Regional Park hike
Potluck dinner featuring your favourite drink!

Summer Social Sunday, July 16th

Derby Reach Regional Park -Serene park offers riverfront trails, picnic areas, camping & picturesque mountain & forest views. Folks can walk or cycle into Fort Langley, stopping along the way at the Heritage Museum, enjoying the small village's unique favourite or even kayak from Fort Langley down to Derby Reach.  There is something for everyone to enjoy and if the picnic tables are all taken, we can pull a lawn chair from our car, sit along the Fraser River banks, and enjoy the potluck.

Cycling/hiking trail from Derby Reach Regional Park to Fort Langley

FALL SOCIAL - Harvest Festival - last week of September - exact dates TBA

Cycle San Juan, Lopez and maybe Orcas Island - kayak out of Friday Harbour, day hike Mount Constitution in Moran State Park and enjoy all that the San Juan Island have to offer.  We will drive down to Anacortes and take the ferry to Friday Harbour - a fun boat ride to enjoy even before the fun starts.

North Shore Hikers supports BCMC proposal for  Blackwall backcountry access in Manning Park

January 30, 2023

RE: Blackwall Backcountry Access Corridor Proposal

Dear Paul,

Thank you for circulating your proposal for a new backcountry access to Blackwall Peak
in Manning Park to our club. We are fully supportive of your proposal. The new access trail will serve the backcountry community and will create a new winter snowshoe opportunity in Manning Provincial Park, providing simple-moderate terrain to the alpine. The route will not interfere with the cross-country trails and will not traverse a high-value wilderness area.

We welcome your club’s efforts in expanding the trail system in our Province.

Cristina Jacob,
North Shore Hikers Society President

Thanks for reading and happy trails

A Log Lies On It - Deep cove






Raven, November 2022

 November 2022

Then suddenly it was fall. Soon winter? It is snowing for real, and it's only November 3rd. This year may be one for fun snowy trips up in the mountains. It is our third straight La Nina year. She can bring the white fluffy stuff and some blustery weather. Strap on your spikes!

Annual General Meeting Reminder

Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022
Sunrise Community Centre
1950 Windermere Street, Vancouver

Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served
Photo Contest Winners & Gear Swap

Read the full  AGENDA here

November Trip Schedule

Evans Peak - Sat November 12th

Check the trip schedule during the month. We add new trips regularly. Want to join in on a trip? You can click here to find out more if you are a member. Not a member? Then come along as a guest. But, hey why not just join?  Contact 

Sat 5 Nov D Hike
Baal and/or Midian Pk
Sun 6 Nov
8:00 am
A Hike
Norvan Falls
Tue 8 Nov
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
2022 AGM
Sat 12 Nov
8 am - 5 pm
C Hike Evan’s Peak
Sat 12 Nov
10:00 am
A Hike
Polytrichum Viewpoint, Halvor Lunden trail, Buntzen Lake,
Sat 19 Nov A Hike
Lakeview Trail/Buntzen Lake
Tue 22 Nov
8:00 am
Back-country Ski Yew Lake area Ski
Sun 27 Nov A Hike
A2b Hike To Be Announced

Grouse Mountain Regional Park Closure

​Grouse Mountain Regional Park is currently CLOSED due to helicopter operations in the park from Monday to Saturday, October 31 to November 14. The Grouse Grind, BCMC and Simic Trails are all inside park boundaries. The park will only open on Sundays, weather permitting. The Grouse Mountain Skyride is also closed and will re-open on November 11th.

Renew Your Membership

Annual memberships expire on November 30th. Take a minute to renew today.

Forgot your password? Reset it here. If you've already renewed, thank you so much and see you on the trails. Note: New members who joined in October or November 2022, don't need to renew until November 2023. Thanks so much from your membership team.

Trip Report: Golden Ears East Canyon Loop

by Carol Kautz

Thanks to Katy Poon who led eleven North Shore Hikers on this wonderful, fun hike in Golden Ears Park. Due to the changing temperatures and elevation gain, we had quite a few stops going up the East Canyon Trail. We crossed the bridge to the West Canyon Trail to look down over Gold Creek where the water level was low and then our next stop was Viewpoint Beach. We turned back from Viewpoint Beach and went to the connector loop trail where seven hikers stayed just below Gold Creek Lookout.

Four hikers, led by Bengul, scrambled up to the Upper falls and were glad they did. Out of the four, one became an expert tree hugger on the way down. After the four hikers descended the upper falls, the group descended to the lower falls, had another long break, and returned via the lower falls trail. Everyone was really social, and we all enjoyed the great company and the beautiful fall/summer day. Thank you, Katy, for all your work organizing this successful outing.

Thanks for reading and happy trails!

Now gimme that sandwich.

BC Parks 2022 summer day-use program starts on June 17

Starting June 17, 2022, free day-use passes are required to visit these  provincial parks:

  • Garibaldi Provincial Park at Diamond Head, Rubble Creek, and Cheakamus trailheads [vehicle pass];
  • Golden Ears Provincial Park [vehicle pass];
  • Joffre Lakes Provincial Park [hiker pass].

To book a day-use pass:

For more information, go to BC Parks.


  • Garibaldi Provincial Park trailheads at Wedgemount Lake and Fitzsimmons Creek/Singing Pass do not require the day-use pass.
  • Cypress Provincial Park, Mt Seymour Provincial Park, and Stawamus Chief Provincial Park do not require a day-use pass to visit.

The Raven February, 2022

Year of the Tiger

Happy Lunar New Year

According to the Interwebs, in order to navigate Tiger years, we will require bravery, courage and strength. Here are a few shots from a recent unintentional trip to Wag Peak that probably required all three! This hike didn't go exactly as planned (surprise) but ended well. Let's hope all your trips run smoothly in the Year of the Tiger.  Read the trip report here.

February Trips

Want to join in on a trip? If you are a member, you can click here to find out more. Not a member? Well, then you can't. But, hey why not just join us to find out more?  Or contact We are super awesome, brave, courageous and strong (also humble). Tigers only need apply  : )

Sat 5 Feb
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
C Hike
Mount St. Benedict snowshoe hike  Moderate pace
Sat 5 Feb
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
A Hike
Capilano-Pacific detour Pace: medium; the equivalent of 6 km/hour on flat wide surface such as the seawall
Sun 6 Feb
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Cycle trip-easy-Vancouver route Easy cycle
Thu 10 Feb A Hike Tunnel Bluffs Mid-week hike moderate pace
Sat 12 Feb
8:45 am
A Hike
Minnekhada Park Loop A1a Normal  relaxed pace
Thu 17 Feb Back-country Ski Hollyburn
Sat 19 Feb C Hike
Lookout Pk (Harrison Lake) Medium Fast Pace
Mon 21 Feb Back-country Ski Diamond Head
Mon 21 Feb Cycling
Family Day Two Bridges Bike ride relaxed pace
Sat 26 Feb A Hike
Blue Gentian Lake Loop A2b  Slow relaxed pace
Sat 26 Feb D Hike
Lone Bear Pk long tough trip - possibly 2 days
Mon 28 Feb B Hike
Elk Mountain Snowshoe Hike moderate pace, not slow

Add Your Voice

Improved Outdoor Recreation Access

This quick and easy petition from the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC sends an email to your MLA to encourage them to budget for more $$ for recreation in your region. Super fast and easy to fill in.

North Shore Hikers Remove Graffiti

On a recent hike, North Shore Hikers removed graffiti from a sensitive First Nations site featuring pictographs. Tagging pictographs? Whaaaa? That's just super uncool. Thanks to member volunteers who helped out.

Instagram Account

Send us photos. Email photos from your hikes, bikes and spikes to Like our posts, comment, share. Tell your friends and family about the Instagram page. The more the merrier.

Thanks for reading, happy trails everyone!

Garibaldi Park trail needs your helping hands!

BC Parks and the Friends of Garibaldi Park Society are calling all trail elves to help with a project on the Rubble Creek trail.

The project will replace the kiosk at the Rubble Creek and Taylor Meadows trail junction, about 6.5 km from the parking lot.

Ten volunteers are needed for September 18 and 19. The work will be labour intensive but special skills aren’t needed.

Volunteers will help:

  • Dismantle the old kiosk;
  • Dig posts for the new kiosk;
  • Build the new kiosk.

While building supplies will be flown in, you will be carrying tools and equipment from the BC Parks toolshed at Taylor Meadows. You'll also help carry water from Barrier Lake for the kiosk's new concrete posts.

Free overnight camping will be provided at the Garibaldi Lake campsite for volunteers. (Volunteers must have and bring their own overnight gear and supplies.)

Whether you're experienced with trail work or not, this is a great opportunity to give back to the trails you love!

To volunteer or for more information, email Jay (FMCBC Trails Committee) or Jagwinder (Friends of Garibaldi Park).

Wilderness at Your Doorstep on May 19 (Lynn Headwaters Regional Park)

Come and say hi to the club at Wilderness at Your Doorstep in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park on May 19. North Shore Hikers will be joining Metro Vancouver, AdventureSmart and other organizations at this event with information, history and sunshine from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m, next to the historic B.C. Mills House.

Bowen Island Takes Responsibility for the Trails on Mount Gardner

After three years of hiking Mount Gardner, mapping the trails, and negotiating with the Province, The Rotary Club of Bowen Island — on behalf of the community — will sign an agreement with Recreation Sites and Trails BC. The official signing will take place in Collins Hall at an event beginning at 6:30 PM, Thursday, March 17. All who are interested are invited.

Participating in the signing is Tom Blackbird, the District Recreation Officer for this region. Blackbird’s office is in Chilliwack, and Bowen Island is on the westernmost verge of his district. Also, from the Province’s Sea-To-Sky office in Squamish is Tennessee Trent, Manager - Trails, Recreation Sites and Trails, for all of the Province of British Columbia.

Blackbird and Trent have asked to see some of the trails during this visit. Interested hikers are welcome to join the group on the mountain. The initial arrangements are still tentative, but the plan is that Blackbird and Trent will arrive from the mainland on a late morning ferry sailing. Sometime later a group will hike up the mountain starting at the Kiosk at the upper end of Laura Road. Probably the destination will be the North Summit.

Those wishing to participate in the hike should watch for updates, including up-to-the-minutes tweets on March 17. Note: this is not an escorted mountain hike. Anyone who joins the group must be an experienced hiker who is completely responsible for her/his own route-finding, gear (including appropriate clothing, food and water), and personal safety.

The Trails Agreement expects that the community will provide routine observation and maintenance of the trails. In return, the polygon of crown lands that include the trails will becomes designated a Recreation Site under Section 56 of the Forest and Range Act.

In 2014 the Undercurrent published a well-researched article on the Rotary Trails Project that described the conditions of the trails and the reasons and advantages for this community taking control of the recreational use of the mountain.

While the Municipality of Bowen Island is not in a position to be responsible for those trails, the trailheads, parking areas and kiosks are on municipal land. BIM Council recognized the economic benefits that result from visitors who travel to Bowen Island to hike, and the value of this resource for its citizens. Council has agreed that the municipality will continue to provide appropriate access.

The event at Collins Hall on March 17 will begin at 6:30 PM with a welcome to all visitors. There will be a short explanation of the agreement by some of the signing parties. This will be followed by the official signing. The remainder of the evening will be a potluck dinner. Visitors are most welcome!

Those interested participating in the hike, the signing, or the dinner should call Robert Ballantyne before noon on Wednesday, March 16, at 604.947.0815.

Robert Ballantyne 604 947 0815 Rotary PR Director
Denis Lynn 604 947 9806 Rotary Past President


Proposed Ski Development at Brohm Ridge

There is a proposal to develop a commercial ski operation at Brohm Ridge, by "Garibaldi at Squamish". On September 23, 2015, the FMCBC, of which this club is a member, held a meeting with representatives from the developer. Here are the highlights of the meeting.

  1. the maps shown (no different from the online versions, except bigger) depicted the ski runs and the "resort development", both of which run very close to Garibaldi Park (they claimed a 50-metre buffer zone, which Mike rightly said was pretty close to the Park);
  2. when challenged that "ski hills don't make money, the real estate surrounding them does", and although there is no real estate, actual or proposed, on the maps, Chris admitted that in exchange for building the ski hill, they will be able to obtain real estate "at a nominal price"; they weren't too clear on what a nominal price meant; and of course we have no real idea as to the extent of their property aspirations;
  3. the displaced snowmobilers (and there are lots using this area) were unfortunately directed by GAS to an area that is currently a non-motorized area; GAS was informed of the Sea to Sky LRMP and the sectoral distinctions between motorized and non, and could they please at least direct them to a motorized area in future;
  4. GAS was made very aware, largely through the Fellers and Monika, of the numerous frustrations FMCBC and member clubs have experienced in the past: not being consulted, not being listened to, Garibaldi Park being revised by the Government for Whistler/Blackcomb, no enforcement of the motorized activity, especially the snowmobilers, and more;
  5. in good "I feel your pain" style, responding by GAS, the 3rd member (Peter something) suggested it could be possible to have a covenant or easement up against the Park, requiring FMCBC's consent to encroach (I'll believe that when I see it, but they must be reminded of this in the future);
  6. it will be 4-5 years at least before actual construction could begin;
  7. GAS made it sound like there won't be any snowmobiles buzzing around their ski resort; it would be as much of an annoyance to hotel guests there as to anyone else;
  8. when asked why they would succeed where numerous others have not, the response seemed to be their thoroughness, aided by their "deep pockets";
  9. Monika made a great point that, in essence, we are arguing for the public's benefit (The Public's Right to Quiet Enjoyment of our Parks); every other dog in this fight has a vested interest.

Mack Skinner,
secretary of FMCBC, exec member of North Shore Hikers.