Tuesday, MAY 14, 7 pm, at Leslie’s house, 3685, 15th Av, Vancouver
RSVP to Cristina.jacob03@gmail.com
Indicate if you need a ride or you want to offer a ride
Cristina Jacob will offer a ride to 4 other hikers from downtown Vancouver
Katy Poon will offer a ride to 4 other hikers from Richmond.
Excerpt from Last Raven Newsletter:
“At the March 21, EC meeting, it was decided to have the next EC meeting as a plenary meeting to which all members of the club will be invited. The main topic of discussion will be “ The future of NSH- where will we be 2-5 years from now ?”
The club will provide savoury snacks and beverages and Leslie will bake her famous fruit pies for all to enjoy.
One of the evening’s highlights will be choosing the design of the NSH club jersey.
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