We are Growing and Need Leaders!

We are Growing!
New Trip Leaders Needed

Great news! We are growing so fast that we need more trip leaders. Right now, we need more Saturday and Sunday events. Multi-day trips as well. With close to 400 members, we should be able to fill our schedule with a broad selection of hikes, bikes, kayaks and other adventures.

Many of you know the North Shore and other ranges better than anyone. Find a weekend when you are available and pick a day. If there is already a hike scheduled on a Saturday, take the Sunday or vice-versa. Or, if there is a B hike scheduled, choose to lead a C hike or an A hike. Similarly, If you see a bike ride scheduled on a day you can lead a hike, schedule a hike. The two activities don’t necessarily conflict. 

Please also motivate fellow members to lead a trip. Sometimes people just need to be asked and encouraged. There are a lot of potential trip leaders out there who just need a nod. You know who you are : )  

Thanks to all of you amazing trip leaders out there. We wouldn’t exist without you. 

Contact the planners below for help to get your hike or bike ride, on the schedule.   

A Hike Planner Lesley Bohm lrbartist@gmail.com
B Hike Planner Brent Ehrl brentehrl@gmail.com
C Hike Planner Ramona Muljar ramona_muljar@hotmail.com
D Hike Planner Alastair Ferries natlakeele@hotmail.com
Midweek Activities Planner Mariken Van Nimwegen marikenv@yahoo.com
Ski Trip Planner Lesley Bohm lrbartist@gmail.com
Multi-day Trip/Back-pack Planner Diane Whiteley diane_whiteley@telus.net
Bicycle Trip Planner Katy Poon easyhiker88@gmail.com

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