Have an Idea for a Multi-Day Trip?

With Covid restrictions becoming less and less prohibitive we would like to hear your ideas for multiple-day trips for this summer and beyond.
To give a bit of context for our newer club members, North Shore Hikers has been organizing week-long summer camps and multiple-day backpacking and hiking trips to mostly BC/ Alberta destinations. More recently, in 2019, we organized a fantastic 14-day hiking trip in Europe( the HAUTE ROUTE from Chamonix to Zermatt) and in 2020 we had 20 people going to South America to hike in PATAGONIA. The summer camp has also become more ‘exotic’ and in 2020 it changed geographic direction to South of the border, in the Cascades Mountains.
Then Covid arrived in March 2020 and all major trips planned for that year were cancelled.
It is now March 2022 and we would like to start reviving the old plans and come up with new ones. Below is a list to start us/you going. Any new idea is welcome and any new volunteers wanting to organize a trip are welcome. Send suggestions and comments to Diane Whiteley, our VP, and Coordinator of multiple-day trips. The club has many experienced trip organizers that can assist you in developing and implementing a proposed trip plan
Read the following and imagine yourself leading one of these trips:
- Replan of the 2020 Patagonian trip for 2023 ( lead Cristina Jacob )
- Replan the 2020 summer camp in the Cascades( lead ? - contact Cristina Jacob for the 2020 hiking schedule)
- Multiple-day hiking/cycling camp in Whistler/ Squamish/Pemberton ( lead?)
- Multiple-day hiking/ kayaking/canoeing in Manning park( lead?)
- Multiple-day hiking camp in Golden Ears( lead Katy Poon)
- Potential backpack trip in Tyaughton Lake/ South Chilcotin Mountains( lead Diane Whiteley)
- Potential cycling trip in Italy( lead Ye Chu)
- Potential cycling trip in Holland( lead Cristina Jacob)
- Potential cycling trip in Croatia ( lead Cristina Jacob)
Send your idea to Diane, post comments and link with others via the "General" Forum on our website. Diane Whiteley’s contact: diane_whiteley@telus.net