Brent Ehrl joined North Shore Hikers in 1988, after receiving a membership as a birthday gift. Since that fateful day, he has been an active member for over 33 years. Brent is currently the “B” Hike Planner and has held the positions of “C” Hike Planner, Vice-President, and President for the club. He has served as President on three separate occasions. In addition, Brent always helped with the small tasks that keep a club alive, helping to mail out the Raven Newsletter for years -- back when we still had to stuff envelopes.
Brent leads a mix of A, B and C trips year-round, even when he was mostly a C or D hiker, back in the day. He shows up in the parking lot to hike come rain, sleet, or snow, eagerly looking for participants to join him on the trail! Brent is known to ‘fill in’ where there are leadership needs to keep club activities moving forward. On his hikes, he shares his extensive knowledge of birds and is known for his eagle eye, identifying a specific bird a long way off.

Brent is a strong mentor to other hikers in the club. He used to go on all the trips to support new leaders. Recently he was not able to attend Ramona Muljar’s hike to Elk Thurston and felt bad about not attending. Brent has led the most hikes in the club over the years. His trips were and continue to be extremely popular and enjoyable. He is a great trip leader, always leading a hike according to the level, ability and needs of the group. He is cognizant of people’s ability, instead of what people are dictating. When he leads an A hike, he leads at the group’s pace, not like the C hiker that he is.
Brent consistently goes ‘the extra mile’ to support both new and long-term club members to enjoy all the activities that the club offers. He started, organized, and led the Wednesday Grouse Grind Potluck hikes for over a decade. Twenty to twenty-five hikers come out for those potluck hikes which were a lot of fun! Brent always supported all club events -- every AGM, and every social.

Brent treats club members equally, fairly and with respect and he stands up for what is right. The executive is very pleased to award Brent the 2022 Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award. We thank him for his service.

Wonderful, and well-deserved. Thank you Brent for your tireless (or dogged, as the case may be?) dedication – much appreciated!