BC Parks and the Friends of Garibaldi Park Society are calling all trail elves to help with a project on the Rubble Creek trail.
The project will replace the kiosk at the Rubble Creek and Taylor Meadows trail junction, about 6.5 km from the parking lot.
Ten volunteers are needed for September 18 and 19. The work will be labour intensive but special skills aren’t needed.
Volunteers will help:
- Dismantle the old kiosk;
- Dig posts for the new kiosk;
- Build the new kiosk.
While building supplies will be flown in, you will be carrying tools and equipment from the BC Parks toolshed at Taylor Meadows. You'll also help carry water from Barrier Lake for the kiosk's new concrete posts.
Free overnight camping will be provided at the Garibaldi Lake campsite for volunteers. (Volunteers must have and bring their own overnight gear and supplies.)
Whether you're experienced with trail work or not, this is a great opportunity to give back to the trails you love!
To volunteer or for more information, email Jay (FMCBC Trails Committee) or Jagwinder (Friends of Garibaldi Park).