News item from Alastair, who organized this deal:
At the end of February, the NSH used some money that was bequeathed to it to subsidize an Avalanche Skills Training Course (AST-1). The deal was that the NSH would pay for half the cost of the course (normally approx $300/person), if the member pledged to lead 2 or 3 trips before November. Eight members accepted the offer. So, if you have a trip that you have long wanted to do, this is your chance.
They owe us!
The members were: Susan Allen, Joanne Boutin, Dorothy Gamble, Tyne Jomkasiti, Phyllis Mallett, Ramona Muljar, Karen Peters, and Shamim Shivji.
What is going on men?
The weekend course was held by Canada West Mountain School, and we were given a substantially reduced rate because we are a club; and because we provided a full course of 8 participants. Our members all learned a lot; and had a good time. They are a mix of A to D hikers, cyclists, and skiers. And they are eager to lead trips!
So please don’t hesitate to send one of them, your request.