Unusually high avalanche risk Friday Dec 20

We don't normally broadcast avalanche warnings, but these conditions suddenly changed for the worse, so heads up:

avalanche.ca/map/forecasts/south-coast :

Also, here's a report from a North Shore Hikers member who snowshoed from Grouse chalet toward Dam Mountain today (Thursday):

... here is the latest update on Dam - Grouse. ... overnight 16cm snowfall. It’s snowing earlier in the morning but turned into rain. Some of the snow are melting fast. The ski runs are operating at a discount price.

... Tons of snow and it’s hard to break trails The snow came passed my knees even on snowshoes. We didn’t make it up to Dam!! It’s very foggy the snow is deep and heavy no trails were obvious so I found it unsafe to go further then we turned back. We passed the zip line tower but didn’t make it to helicopter flat.

I think a lot of the snow may get washed out in the rain and the remaining will become heavier and slushy.

I was planning to go snowshoeing tomorrow, but now plan to sleep in instead!

-- Mark Latham
(604) 806-0652

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