Slideshow and Social Sept 12, 2019

Sunrise Community Centre, 1950 Windermere St, near Rupert St and 5th Ave.
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Please bring your own mug.
Beauty on the Way to the Peak: Summer Camp Part 1.
Presenter Lesley Bohm will illustrate the many discoveries we met along the trail to the summit as we hiked in Glazier and Banff National Parks this summer.

Bike Tour of Yunnan Province in China
Presenters: Holly Evans and Ken Levine

Come with us to southern China for our recent 3 week cycling tour of Yunnan Province, China. This is our second bike trip to China although to a very different Province. As our slides will show, the tour was a difficult ride but certainly one we are glad we did. We joined 20 other Canadian bike club members in Feb. and March 2019 and enjoyed the great camaraderie among riders (Canadian and American), the friendliness of the Chinese people, the experience of the Chinese culture and different ethnic groups, the awe inspiring scenery, and the feeling of accomplishment after each day’s challenging route. China, for a cyclist, is a place where the unexpected should be expected and you just deal with it. On the other hand, cycle touring is a time to discover, make new friends, and experience life differently than what we are accustomed to and we certainly did that on our trip through Yunnan Province. Come to the September meeting and see why we did this adventure. Ken and Holly.
Don’t miss the upcoming Sept 12 Slideshow and Social !

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